Pride and Honor


“We ourselves felt that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”  -Mother Teresa

Any redo’s for 19.5??  Not for me… I got bambi legs today and going from point A to point B is a considerable debate with myself haha.  This has been my favorite Open workout to watch this year.  WOW have I witness some cool stuff!  Seeing you guys push to a place in many walks of life don’t take you.  That’s an intriguing thought… not many things in life will test you, push you, challenge you like this.  So we grow from it, we learn and adapt from it, and find out a little bit more about ourselves.  I got the privilege to see Delilah go to a really dark place but….. that’s why there is light in us.  To shine in those dark places.  And that act alone is more powerful that a Gold Medal around your neck.  Sarah got her first chest to bar… plus 6 more!  Bart with a torn bicep finished it!  I saw flawless execution, and I saw shear will carried out until the beep at the 20 minutes.  Kinda off topic but JJ got his first Muscle Up last week!  I’d like to ask one thing of you if you are reading this…. I want to ask why you are doing this?  Why did you sign up for the Open?  Why didn’t we?  What makes you come in day in and day out and put in the work (and hard work it is)?  I ask this because I want to have that thought asked and hopefully answered leaving this season, after the Open having a source of purpose and maybe setting goals (getting better at… fill in the blank) is important to keep us hungry.  Hungry for more.  A hunger that is not easily settled.  I had the police academy come in on Thursday and I gave them a workout, intentionally difficult, and at the end of the AMRAP their coordinator shouts if they are tired.  I excepted them to groan and the usually and even some sarcasm, but before I even finished that thought they yelled, all together, “No Sir! We want some more, we want some more!”  That was awesome.  So I hope you stay hungry.  I hope you are proud and walk with your head held high cause of your efforts and that it’s completed.  It’s in the books!

Life is hard… You can do hard.

March 25th Year 2019


Run 400m
20 Burpees
40 Sit-Ups
20 Power Cleans @155/110
Run 400m
20 Power Cleans @155/110
40 Sit-Ups
20 Burpees
Run 400m

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